Monuments and Streets
Erfurht church

Stainglass at St Mikael church (1285), Thüringen, Germany.Donator Monika Wiegandt
France, Paris:
Inauguration of a Raoul Wallenberg street in Paris March 24th 2007
Hungary The first monument over Raoul Wallenbergs Deeds in Budapest by Pál Páczay. It should have been inagurated in 1948, but dissapeared the night before.Years later it was in Debrecen outside the medicine factory Biogal, where the original still stands today. This is a copy made from the original caust and inagurated in 2002 by the Hungarian Raoul Wallenberg Ass. and the Swedish Embassy with the ambassador Stephan Carlsson.The mayor of Budapest Gábor Demszky has inagurated this sculpture – and it stands where it meant to be, but more than a halvcentury later, after the fall of the Soviet, and Hungary become free again, and Budapest can celebrate Raoul Wallenberg again.
Monument in Lidingö, near Stockholm

Stainglass at St Mikael church (1285), Thüringen, Germany.Donator Monika Wiegandt