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January 2006

How to complain

    Complaining to the Parliamentary Ombudsmen (JO) – Questions and answers

    Who can complain?

    • Anyone can complain to the Parliamentary Ombudsmen (JO), you do not need to be a Swedish citizen or even live in Sweden
    • You do not have to reach a certain age before you can complain
    • Your complaint does not have to be about something that affects you personally

    Who can I complain about?

    • Government agencies (including courts of law and administrative courts) Local government agencies Officials employed by the state or by local government
    • Others who are entrusted to exercise public authority (exercising public authority involves the use of official powers to decide about a benefit, a right, an obligation, disciplinary punishment or some other comparable situation)

    MI6 Link doomed Swedish Schindler

      by Michael Smith, London Times

      The Swedish businessman Raoul Wallenberg, who saved up to 100,000 Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust, had close links to MI6, according to documents found in Sweden’s national archives.

      The papers include coded messages and transcripts of telephone conversations between Wallenberg and Cyril Cheshire, MI6 ‘s wartime head of station in Stockholm.

      Don’t mention the war!

        I Sverige har man på sistone åter diskuterat “myten” kring Raoul Wallenberg. Svenska historiker som Paul Levine och Attila Lajos har undrat om Wallenberg i dag är just så känd som han förtjänar vara, eller om ryktbarheten kommer sig av…