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November 2008

Tidens Tribunal

    Historiker som ogärna vill diskutera moralen i Sveriges hållning under andra världskriget glömmer ofta att det var något redan samtiden gjorde. Och att även ett frikännande är ett domslut.. I den nyutkomna antologin “Säkerhetspolitik och historia” skriver statsvetaren och ambassadören… 

    Raoul Wallenberg’s Lost Inheritance

      There has long been speculation about what Raoul Wallenberg inherited from the estates of his paternal grandparents, Gustaf and Annie Wallenberg. Gustaf died in 1937, Annie in 1952. New documents discovered in Stockholm Stadsarkiv (City Archive) [1] and described here for the first time, show that had Raoul returned from his imprisonment in the Soviet Union, he would have been quite well off. Raoul’s disappearance in 1945, however, ultimately led to forfeiture of his share of Annie Wallenberg’s fortune.