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Books about Raoul Wallenberg

  • Adachi, Agnes. “Child of the Winds”. Chicago: Adams Press, 1989.
  • Afonso Rui. “One good man”.
  • Alain Fralon Jose. “Le Juste de Bordeaux”.æ
  • Alexander, Lynn. “Safe Houses”. New York: Atheneum, 1985.
  • Amick, George. “Hell´s Angel: Raoul Wallenberg” Judaica Philatelic Journal (Fall 1983).
  • Anderson, Lars and Karin Kvist, “En problematisk relation?” Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia 36
  • Anger, Per (1913-2002):
    • “Memories of the war years in Hungary. With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest”, pref. By Élie Wiesel; transl. from the Swedish by David Mel Paul,Margareta Paul; New York : Holocaust Library, 1981
    • With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest
      Washington: Holocaust Library, 1996. 208 p.
      Memories of the war years in Hungary. Foreword by Tom Lantos.
  • Bejski, Moshe. “The ´Righteous Among the Nations´ and Their Part in the Rescue of Jews.” In Rescue Attempts During the Holocaust. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1977. pp. 637-638.
  • Berg, Lars; “What Happened in Budapest”. Stockholm: Forsners Förlag, 1949.
  • Berger Susanne; “Stuck in Neutral”, 2005 (see link)
  • Bierman, John; “Righteous Gentile”. New York: Bantam Books, 1983.
    • “Righteous gentille, Raul Wallenberg” John Bierman, Budapest : ABC, 1985
  • Bondor, Vilmos: A Miko-rejtely. Miko Zoltan es Raoul Wallenberg kapcsolata a magyar ellenallasban 1944-1945
    Budapest: Puski, 1995. 192 p.
    The Miko enigma. The contacts between Zoltan Miko and Raoul Wallenberg in the Hungarian resistance 1944-1945.
  • Braham. Randolph L. “The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary”. 2v. Revised and Enlarged Edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
  • Carlberg, Ingrid: “Det stå ett rum och väntar på dig. Berättelsen om Raoul Wallenberg”, Nordstedt. “There is a room waiting for you here. The story of Raoul Wallenberg”, excerpt.
  • Cherry, Robert. “Raoul Wallenberg: Savior of Hungarian Jewry.” Midstream (April 1995): 17-21.
  • Christian Science Monitor: “Missing: Raoul Wallenberg, the Hero of the Holocaust”. (July 23, 1980).
  • Cooper, Abraham. “Wallenberg Held Hostage: Day 14,000.” Jewish Chicago (July 1982): 34-38.
  • Daniel, Jamie, Michael Nicolson and David Winner. “Raoul Wallenberg: One Man Against Nazi Terror”
  • Milwaukee : Gareth Stevens Children´s Books, 1992.
  • Dardel, Fredrik von. Raoul Wallenberg: “Facts Around a Fate”. Proprius Förlag, 1970.
  • Derogy, Jacques:
    • Raoul Wallenberg : le juste de Budapest; Nouv. éd. Actualisée, Paris] : Le Grand livre du mois , 1994
    • “Le cas Wallenberg”, 1980
  • Fenyvesi, Charles, “When Angels fooled the World, Rescuers of Jews in Wartime Hungary”, 2003, The University of Wisconsin Press
  • Forgács, Gábor:
    •  text and illustration: “Christmas of Raoul Wallenberg, Budapest 1944” = Raoul Wallenberg karacsonya, Budapest, 1944 Budapest: Kolor Optika Bt., 2004.
    • “Forgács Gábor: My days with Raoul Wallenberg”, Published in Budapest, 2006.Publisher: Kolor Optika Printing Company Limited,, ISBN 963 06003 X in Hungarian.
    • “Ernst Pichler and Forgács Gábor, Endgame in Lubjanka”, Endspiel in der Lubjanka, Two languages book (play) in German, in Hungarian, Published in Budapest, 2008.Publisher: Kolor Optika Printing Company Limited,, ISBN 978 963 06 6114 0
  • Forbes, Malcolm, Jr. “Raoul Wallenberg” in They Went That-a-Way. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.
  • Freed, G.B. “Humanitarianism vs. Totalitarianism: The Strange Case of Wallenberg.” Papers of the Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 46 (1961): 503-28.
  • Friedman, Philip. “Their Brothers´ Keepers”. New York: Crown Publishers, 1957. pp. 159-167.
  • Gann, Christoph: “Raoul Wallenberg : so viele Menschen retten wie möglich” /Christoph Gann; München : Beck, 1999
  • Gersten, Alan: “A Conspiracy of Indifference”. Xlibris Corporation, 2001.
  • Ginzburg, Eugenia. “Journey into the Whirlwind”. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1967.
  • Grede, Kiell.: “Wallenberg”; [Bp.] : Mafilm [Stockholm] : Swedish Filminst. , 1989 [Bp.] : [Mafilm]
  • Handler, Andrew: “A man for all connections : Raoul Wallenberg and the Hungarian state apparatus, 1944-1945”; Westport, Conn. London : Praeger , 1996
  • Haspel, Rachel Oestereicher. “Raoul Wallenberg: A Hero for Our Time”. New York: Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States, 1981, revised 1985.
  • Hellman, Peter. “Avenue of the Righteous”. New York: Atheneum, 1980.
  • Hinshaw, David. “Sweden´s Neutral Policy in Two Wars” in Sweden: Champion of Peace. New York: G.P. Putnam´s Sons, 1949.
  • Jangfeldt, Bengt:
    • “Raoul Wallenberg: en biografi”, Wahlström & Widstrand, 2012
    • and in english “The Hero of Budapest”, 2014, I.B. Tauris.
  • Koblik, Steven: The stones cry out. Sweden’s response to the persecution of the Jews 1933-1945
    New York: Holocaust Library, 1988. 305 p.
  • Korey, William: The Wallenberg mystery, fifty-five years later
    New York: American Jewish Committee, 2000. 58 p.
  • Kovach, Kim. “In Search of the ´Hero of Budapest´: The Disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg.” Israel Horizons 28: 3-4 (March/April 1980): pp. 11-28.
  • Komoroczy, Geza, editor: Raoul Wallenberg In: Jewish Budapest. Monuments, rites, history. Budapest: Central European University Press, 1995. pp. 398-401.
    Wallenberg in Budapest, between July 9, 1944-January 14, 1945. Detailed information on his operations, including the addresses of protected houses.
  • Kung, Andres. “Raoul Wallenberg, Yesterday, Today”. Stockholm: Timbro, 1985.
  • Lajos, Attila.
    • “Hjälten och offren. Raoul Wallenberg och judarna i Budapest” (The hero and the victims. Raoul Wallenberg and Jews in Budapest), Växjö, 2004
    • “Raoul Wallenberg. Mítosz és valóság “(Raoul Wallenberg. Myth and reality), Budapest 2007
  • Lambert, Gilles. “Operation Hasalah”. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1974.
  • Lester Elenore: “Wallenberg, the man in the iron web”; Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall , cop. 1982
  • Lester, Elenore, and Frederick E. Werbell. “Wallenberg.” New York Times Magazine (March 30, 1980).
    • “Raoul Wallenberg: The Righteous Gentile from Sweden” in The Holocaust in Hungary: Forty Years Later, Randolph L Braham and Bela Vago, eds. New York: Columbia University Press, 1985.
  • Jenö Lévai;
    • “Black Book on the Martyrdom of Hungarian Jewry”. Surich: Central European Times, 1948
    • “Raoul Wallenberg: His Remarkable Life, Heroic Battles and the Secret of His Mysterious Diasppearance”. Melbourne: WhiteAnt Occaisional Publishing, 1988.
    • “Raoul Wallenberg” by Jenö Lévai published in Hungary 1948, translated to English
      by Frank Vajda, Melbourne 1988, reprinted 2002.
    • “Raoul Wallenberg, hjälten i Budapest” ; Stockholm : Saxon-Lindström, 1948
  • Levine, Paul A.:
    • “From indifference to activism. Swedish diplomacy and the Holocaust 1938-1944” Uppsala ; Stockholm: Uppsala University Library ; Elander Gotab, 1996. 309 p. [Revised and enlarged edition of a PhD dissertation.]
    • “Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest. Myth, History and Holocaust”; ed. Valentine Mitchell, London, Portland, Oreg. January 2010
  • Levy, Alan: Nazi hunter. The Wiesenthal file
    London ; New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers. 464 p.
  • Lew Besymenski, Ulrich Völklein, “Die Wahrheit über Raoul Wallenberg”, Fachbuch, Taschenbuch, 220 Seiten, 2000, Steidl, Göttingen, 388243712X
  • Lichtenstein, Heiner; “Raoul Wallenberg, Retter von hunderttausen Juden” / , 1982
  • Linnea, Sharon. “The Man Who Stopped Death”. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 1993.
  • Mandel, Connie L. “Raoul Wallenberg: A Chronicle of Courage”. Los Angeles: Simon Wiesenthal Center, 1981.
  • Marton, Kati:
  • Milton, Sybil. “The Righteous Who Helped Jews.” In Genocide: Critical Issues of the Holocaust. Ed. Alex Grobman and Daniel Landes. Los Angeles: Simon Wiesenthal Center; Chappaqua, N.Y.: Rossel Books, 1983. pp. 280-287.
  • Nicholson, Michael; “Raoul Wallenberg : the Swedish diplomat who saved 100.000 Jews from the Nazi holocaust” / Michael Nicholson, David Winner; Watford ; Herst : Exley, 1989
  • Philipp, Rudolf. “Raoul Wallenberg: Fighter for Humanity”. Stockholm: Fredborgs Förlag, 1946, revised edition, 1980.
  • Pierrejean, Claudine: “Les secrets de l´affaire Raoul Wallenberg : du juste de Budapest au premier martyr de la guerre froide”; Paris Montréal, Que. Torino : L´Harmattan , 1998
  • Raoul Wallenberg : “Mensch in der Unmenschlichkeit : Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung”; Leipzig: Ed. Kirchhof und Franke , 2002
  • Raoul Wallenberg Committee for the United States. Raoul Wallenberg´s Children. New York; Raoul Wallenberg Committee for the United States. 1981 (December).
  • Rosenfeld, Harvey
    • ” Raoul Wallenberg–Angel of Rescue”. Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1982.
    • “Raoul Wallenberg”; New York, N.Y. London : Holmes & Meier , 1995
  • Samuelson, Maurice. “How Wallenberg Fooled the Nazis.” Jewish Chronicle (January 11, 1985).
  • Schandl, Catherine
  • Schiller, Bernt: “Varför ryssarna tog Raoul Wallenberg “(Why the Russians took Raoul Wallenberg). Natur & Kultur 1991. Translated into German and Japanese
  • Schult, Tanja. “A Hero’s Many Faces, Raoul Wallenberg in Contempory Monuments”, ed. Palgrave Macmillan,
  • Shifrin, Avraham. “The First Guidebook to Prisons and Concentration Camps”. Berne: Stephanus Edition Verlags AG, 1980.
  • Skoglund, Elizabeth R.: “A Quiet Courage : Per Anger, Wallenberg´s co-liberator of Hungarian Jews”; Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Books , cop. 1997
  • Smith, Danny;
    • “Wallenberg : Lost hero” ; [forew. by Peter Benenson], 1986
    • “Lost Hero”. Springfield: Tempelgate, 1987.
    • “Lost hero : Raoul Wallenberg´s dramatic quest to save the Jews of Hungary” / Danny Smith; London : HarperCollins , 2001
  • Statens Offentliga Utredningar: “Ett Diplomatisk misslyckande”, 2003
  • Steissguth, Thomas, “Raoul Wallenberg: Swedish diplomat and humanitarian‬‎”, 2001, 112 pages
  • Ströbinger, Rudolf; “Das Rätsel Wallenberg”, 1982
  • Szekeres, Jozsef: A pesti gettok 1945. januari megmentese
    Budapest: Budapest City Archives, 1997
    Saving the Budapest ghetto in January 1945.
  • Szabo, Tamas:
  • Swedish Institute. “Raoul Wallenberg”. Stockholm: Swedish Institute, 1988.
  • Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs;
  • Terelya, Josyp. “Witness”. Milford, Ohio: Faith Publishing Company, 1991.
  • Trepper. Leopold. “The Great Game: Memoirs of the Spy Hitler Couldn´t Silence”. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977.
  • Tschuy Theo. “Dangerous Diplomacy”.
  • U.S. National Security Agency, Center for Cryptologic History, (order the publication for free) “Eavesdropping on Hell: Historical Guide to Western Communications Intelligence and the Holocaust, 1939-1945.” (NSA, 2005)
  • Veres, Thomas, “I was there”
  • Villius, Elsa and Hans, “Fallet Raoul Wallenberg” (The Raoul Wallenberg Case). Almqvist & Wiksell/Gerbers, 1966
  • Wallenberg, Raoul. “Letters and Dispatches 1924-1944”. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1995.
  • Werbell, Fredrick E., and Thurston Clark. “Lost Hero: The Mystery of Raoul Wallenberg”. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.
  • Wiesenthal, Simon: Justice not vengeance
    London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1989. 372 p.
    Translated from German by Ewald Osers.
  • Wulf, Josef; “Raoul Wallenberg”, Berlin : Colloquium Verl., 1958
  • Yahil, Leni. “Raoul Wallenberg – His Mission and His Activities in Hungary.” Yad Vashem Studies XV: pp. 7-53. 1
  • Yanel, Leni, “Raoul Wallenberg – his mission and his activities in Hungary”, appeared in The Nazi HOLOCAUST, historical articles on the destruction of European Jews, volume 9. The End of the Holocaust. ISBN 0-88736-265-6

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