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Berger, Susanne

    Susanne Berger’s research addresses the wider political and economic aspects of Wallenberg’s humanitarian mission to Budapest, as well as their associated effects on the investigation of his disappearance. For six years she served as a consultant to the Swedish-Russian Working Group on the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg.

    Is a graduate of American University in Washington, D.C. Her research addresses the wider political and economic aspects of Wallenberg’s humanitarian mission to Budapest, as well as their associated effects on the investigation of his disappearance For six years she served as a consultant to the Swedish-Russian Working Group on the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg. In January 2001 she presented a report on her findings, entitled “Swedish Aspects of the Raoul Wallenberg Case”. Her articles about the Wallenberg case and related issues have appeared in various international publications, including Ha’aretz, Dagens Nyheter and Politiken. Her latest report, entitled “Stuck in Neutral: The Reasons behind Sweden’s Passivity in the Raoul Wallenberg Case (.pdf)” reviews the 2003 Eliasson Commission Report on the Swedish Foreign Establishment’s handling of the Raoul Wallenberg case from 1945-2001 and offers a comprehensive analysis of current research.

    Mail to: Susanne Berger















    • “Warum bleibt Wallenbergs Schicksal ungeklärt?” In Raoul Wallenberg: Mensch in der Unmenschlichkeit. Masat, Andras, Marton Mehes and Wolfgang Rackebrandt. Leipzig: Edition Kirchhof und Franke. pp. 35-53,
    • “Vill vi veta sanningen?” [Stockholm Syndrome. Expressen. Mesinai, Susan, and Susanne Berger, Marvin Makinen, Ari Kaplan.



    • “UD offrade Raoul Wallenberg” [Fatal Pragmatism]. Dagens Nyheter. Ha’aretz and Politiken, SVT
    • “Vill vi veta sanningen?” [Stockholm Syndrome. Expressen. Mesinai, Susan, and Susanne Berger, Marvin Makinen, Ari Kaplan.


    • “Det finns mer material om Wallenberg.”
    • “Dunkelt Spel om Wallenberg.” Dagens Nyheter, Susanne Berger and Pentti Peltoniemi
    • “Familjen sneglade mot Sovjet. Förklaringen till Raoul Wallenbergs Försvinnande kan finnas i Släktens Affärer.”
    • “Alla Dokument måste fram i ljuset.”


    • “Wallenberg OSS/CIA Files Released.”

    3 thoughts on “Berger, Susanne”

    1. Attn: Susanne Berger

      Dear Ms. Berger,

      This writing concerns the question of the fate of Raoul Wallenberg. I am sure that you have received many reports, anecdotes, etc. concerning what happened to Mr. Wallenberg after 1945, but I would like to share the following with you:
      Oberst von Dufving [COS of general Weidling] spend 10 years in Russian captivity [’45-’55]. In 1949, on his way to the Workuta POW camp in Siberia, Mr.von Dufving met Raoul Wallenberg. This information was later shared with Major Siegfried Knappe, who made a reference of this in his book ‘Soldat’. As a POW Mr. Knappe spend 5 years in Russian captivity. I have met Mr. Knappe many times and discussed his war- and post-war experiences with him. Judging by the integrity and intelligence of Mr. Knappe, who did not question the accuracy of Mr. von Dufving’s report, I do believe that Mr. Wallenberg was indeed still alive in 1949.
      If of any help or relevance, there are movie clips available from Mr. von Dufving from 1945 during the surrender to the Russians in Berlin, and from after 1955 where he is interviewed regarding his war experience.

      With best regards

      Joseph Mens

    2. (2014)
      I spent a year(2013) at the Raoul Wallenberg site/EU, I hope not in vain. Publishing around 50 comments @ mr Gellert KOVACS file here, last year: (Thank you Gellert, and even the
      (Sorry but, the wellknown Wallenberg-researcher,here at rw-eu, (RW- Mitosz és valóz-ág/diss.: 2004) senior lecturer, Attila LAJOS died in the beginning of January 2014, after a long time of illness, 58 years old. (Obituary : the DN 11/1-2014 / by Lars Olsson senior professor, The Linné-university)
      Too much questions aren´t answered, and especially suited to make some statements here, must be ms Susanne BERGER, (one of) the most experienced and skilled of the Wallenberg-case researchers. (Or anyone with serious interest.). Tremendeous inter-esting questions in my mind, I couldn´t imagine still existed !
      4/2: Sweden´s terrible treatment of Mrs Zelda Rifka HAIT , 1944/45: – Latvian Jewish refugee, who arrived to Sweden by chance without being invited, because she could reveal the Latvian-German massexecutions, at the Rumbuli forest, Nov/Dec. 1941, when 27.000 Latvian Jews were shot, of all ages,small children, whole families, even Zelda´s perished.

      She could in Sweden give information of the Latvian perpetrators, but was treated like a “Soviet agent” by the Swedish secret police (Otto DANIELSSON), who got her fired from her work, and the Wallenberg-controler, U.S. diplomat secretary, Iver OLSEN, World Refugee Board/WRB/OSS in Stockholm, (Zelda even accused Iver Olsen, of sexual inproper advances/ Deland 2010/Purgatorium), wasn´t even he interested of this important witness, from the Holocaust.

      But even the Socialdemocrat, with Jewish/Russian background, Hjalmar MEHR ,later wellknown citycounsellor, in Stockholm, despised and slandered Zelda. Mehr denou-nced Zelda to the the Social ministry (E.Mossberg) and even Gilel STORCH, and his man S. Joelson were active in slandering, as the Latvian refugees, as L. Silnins. (Deland /Purg-atorium2010)

      So much for the idealized, Sweden, as “Holocaust-rescuer, 1.500 Baltic warcriminals could stay in Sweden, or being filtrated abroad, many arrived with the OSS/Iver Olsen-shipping operations, from Sweden, the Fall of 1944.

      She lived from 1971 in Israel, and took measures to witness in the trial of the Latvian leader of the Arajs mass-executions rollkommando, Viktors ARAJS, 1979, (West-germany) convicted then to life in prison, in spite of the Swedish Secret police´s (säpo) typical bullshit, and lies. (The 4 hours-interview with Zelda HAIT, 1992, in Spielberg´s Shoa Memorial foundation, (You-Tube) went from 80 visits to 800, during this year 2013, I hope with my information contributed, http://www., here att the RW/eu-site. Zelda has had no attention in the Swedish media, what so ever, what could have been of interest, if informing about Holocaust. But that´s not “the agreed liturgy, of the past , as usual.”
      14/2: Why didn´t Raoul WALLENBERG, applied for volonteer duty in the Swedish SFK/ Corps in Finland 1939/ 1940 ? I think it´s a good question, no one dares to put, (especially in Sweden with some 8.000 volunteers, what the whole Wallenbergssphere, and the Swedish establishment supported.) A cautious man ?
      18/2: Raoul WALLENBERG`S circles of personal contacts, business, and military were more or less, pro-German, or worse, Finnish activists, as his family, he couldn´t had think much other thoughts than those in his surroundings.
      19/2: During his time in the Swedish Homeguard, an important German spy, there was revealed there, , the officer, Captain Sixten HAGMAN, 1944, few know this, even in Sweden. (Life in prison 1945.)
      22/2: Raoul WALLENBERG`S closest male friend, Ibo DOUGLAS, (guest at the cocktail party 1943) (later man.dir. in the Investor/Wallenbergsphere) was son to one of the founders of a Swedish Nazi party, (NSB), The General Archibald Douglas,with German background later Swedish Armychief. (1944-48). (As the Fevrell family.)
      1/3: Were there any connections with Jane HORNEY and Raoul Wallenberg, two symbols of the Swedish neutrality guard, perhaps with some secret missions, both extra-judicial neutralized 1945,(peace-feeler mediators) (and known by SIS/CHESHIRE & H.C. NORTH), about the same days, in January.
      5/3. : Why is not the Jewish businessman in Sweden, and in World Jewish Congress, mr Fritz HOLLANDER ,(d.2004) member of German KPD , a ” communist”, mentioned, in the Wall-enberg narrative.(Berger). Hollander had an affiliation in Budapest, and one Hung-arian employee, there was employed by Wallenberg, 1944. Even the mp Hilding HAGBERG`S (SKP-Communists) interpellation about rescuing Jews in Greece, to f.m. Christian Gün-ther, the 13.5. 1943, Parliament´s secret session, twice – but not answered.
      9/3: To little of the Hungarian, captain, Antal GRUNDBÖCK, in the Wallenbergsphere, (Streco company) and wellknown, German SD-agent, in Sweden.
      14/3: “A former Wallenberg employee has stated that Raoul Wallenberg had traveled repeatedly to Estonia during the 1940’s on Jacob Wallenberg’s behalf,” (S. Berger) but nothing about, Estonian shale oil, and phosphorite industries as a factor in Germany´s Third Reich´s warplans, during the 1930s.

      Nothing at all about Ottokar von KNIERIEM, could have been the mediator, between the Germans´s Dresdener Bank, 1940 and I.G Farben , and Enskilda banken, in the Baltic states.(=Olof Palme´s uncle, with office in the Stockholm´s Enskilda bank, building, close to Karl RASCHE, RFSS/Himmler-kreis, Dresdner Bank. = holder of the main SS-bank/accounts.
      3/4: Nothing about many of the German officials in Budapest, during the 1940s, as 1944, the SD-leader Wilhelm HÖTTL, FEINE, BRUNHOFF.
      4/5: Raoul Wallenberg had his office in Stockholm,already during the years, 1938-41, in the same building, as the U.S. legation, and the Commercial attaché, but even neigh-bour,with many pro-Nazi, (AO-NSDAP) Swedish-German, companies activist personnel. (P.POTHOFF/Svezia-import)
      15/5: In the same building, Swedes implicated in German separate capitulation talks, as Åke. GRÖNWALL, Arran HAMILTON, Gunnar FRÖLING in the Sterilisator company, and even Allan WETTERMARK, some employed in the Wallenbegsphere´s banksystem.
      (From: Göran Engblom / Himmlers peace./2008

      As Wallenbergs near relation to major Allan WINGE, in the Homeguard, Finnish activist both 1918 and 1940, (perhaps 1941-44.) Co-commander with Swedish Nazis, Ekström.
      24/5: The U.S. legation commercial, secretary in Stockholm, Francis Harry CUNNING-HAM. (b.12), who met Wallenberg, 1943, was married with Nane de DARDEL, Raoul´s third cousin, and had served in Budapest, already 1938/39. Later in Oslo, during the Edmund SALA, Abwehr/OSS/C-bureau-coup, 1945.
      24/5:II: Was there any connection between the banker, in Switzerland, mr James de DARDEL, and the « Swiss-Swedish Industrial Syndicate », what Raoul Wallenberg and lawyer Hans BÖHME, and Jewish refugee Abernau, operated around 1938, at the office in the Kungstornet no 30 ? The former was Nane de DARDEL`S father. And what about the Wallenbergsphere and the worldwide, Ivar Kreuger -crash, 1932 ?
      10/6: Henrik de WAHL: (Manfred Weiss Combinate, in business with K. LAUER, and the Wallenbergs.) Left for Sweden, before the German occupation of Hungary, 1944, (died 1946) married a young Swedish woman, Elisabeth UGGLA, (died as late as 2009).
      16/6: SS-man Ludwig LIENHARD and shipment the Estonia-Swedes, 1944. A mission, with the same official Swedish features as the Wallenberg´s in Budapest, implicated Swedish-German contacts, perhaps separate peacetalks.
      2/7 : Next door to Raoul: Lise MEITNER, the nuclear physics, Jewish refugee, nominated for the Nobelprize, but even in contact, with Raoul´s contact within, the British SIS/ Cyril CHESHIRE in Stockholm. British-Hungarian separate capitulation talks, 1943 ? (SIS even in contact with : Paul ROSBAUD, Kai HOLST.)
      11/7 : The Swiss connection: Soviet POWs in Finland (19.000 in massdeath 1941/42) and the ICRC/Swiss doctor Guido PIEDERMAN /1942/43:
      20/7: The Baron Knut BONDE and his daughter Angelica Bonde, Raoul Wallenberg´s girlfriend, 1943,(or cover-relation?) Knut Bonde involved in separate peace sounderings from Göring to Halifax, 1940/41. Bonde even owned an estate, in Scotland, just close to the planned landing of the Nazi-leader Rudolf HESS, in May 1941, probably for separate peacetalks with U.K., before Aufnahme Barbarossa in Late June. Coming here close to a more than British ” thriller “. More British – than the British!
      25/7: Who was Herbert Caird NORTH ? The SIS(?)-agent in Stockholm, together with Peter Tennant. Who had information of the arrest of Raoul Wallenberg, the 16.1.1945, through Staffan Söderblom /Swed.UD Moscow.
      9/8 : The British accountants and the Wallenbergsphere: John DICKINSON (MEW) and Bill WARING (SIS): Price Waterhouse: The Wallenbergsphere´s main accounts, since 1933, near Raouls first office, 1938-41.(Dickinson in Raoul´s WRB-staff)
      14/8 : Baron Carl Fredrik PALMSTIERNA : relative to Raoul:
      16/8: The real British SIS/SOE agents : in Sweden and in Cairo/Bari: Ewan BUTLER/ John MARTIN/ Henry McLeod THRELFALL :
      27/8: Stockholm Sightseeing : 1945:
      14/9: FKB : “The Swedish board for the liquidation of German assets in Sweden: 1945:”
      20/9: S/s EXODUS 18 July 1947:
      29/9: Nina LAGERBERG, (RW halfsister) and in contact with the deported SIS/agent Henry THRELFALL (1942), later in Italy, Bari/Caserta base
      3/10 : The LANGLETS coupel in Budapest:1944/45
      10/10: The ” 10. Rudolf ter 6.” /Budapest, 1944: Who was RUDOLF ?
      22/10: READ THE : L´AVENIR : REVUE POUR L´ÉTUDE DES PROBLÉMES POLITIQUES, ÉCONOM-IQUES ET , SOCIAUX D`APRÉS-GUERRE : / A hungarian Horthy -supported journal in Sweden/edited by Edmond DEMAITRE : Contributors Andor Gellert/A. Ullein-R. Nothing of that journal, an epical miss !

      (Nothing of the Edmund Sala(Abwehr/OSS-coup, in Norway, May 1945, Stella Polaris 1944, Sept.

      Nothing of the very dangerous German 4.SS-panzercorps, counteroffensives, three times, West of Budapest, in January 1945, came as close as 20 km from ” unsere Kameraden” in Budapest, the critical days for Wallenberg in Red army custody.
      1/11: (NINA LANGLET`S Book : CHAOS IN BUDAPEST/1982.):
      14/11: COME FLY WITH US ! » ABA: ? : LUFTHANSA ?
      and Gerhard FEINE in Budapest, 1944/45 in Copenhagen(!) 1961, ” Raoul was under the SS protection “..
      24/11: GOOD BYE MR WALLENBERG ! RAOUL WALLENBERG`S COCKTAILPARTY-LIST : THE 2ND OF DECEMBER 1943 : “Not that benign in the eyes of the Allies.”
      28/11: THIRD REICH`S SEPARATE/ PEACE SOUNDERINGS, VIA SWEDISH DIPLOMACY, STARTED AS EARLY, AS 1939, BUT BETWEEN 1942-1945, VIA STOCKHOLM, AS SEPARATE CAPITULATION – TO THE WEST: The story of Inga Carlgren/Almström/KEMPE, and her connections with Sven SALÈN,(Raoul´s businesspartner), and the KEMPE family.(timber)
      14/12: SECRETARY/ FOREIGN MINISTRY /UD : MR LENNART NYLANDER : / SWEDISH LEGATION/ MOSCOW 1940-42/ BERLIN 1942- 1944. : CONSUL :1945-1955, IN NEW YORK/U.S. (Served with, there Sverker Åström, Stig Wennerström.)

    3. yes, ms. Berger, the ‘disappeared’ Wallenberg, and his being the only recipient of America’s prestigious Hero medal. We fail to be told because I suppose he was traded, for what pols thought was a more valuable asset. The victors did great damage, the killing never ceases. Nor the sacrifice. ever SA

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