Raoul Wallenberg was born on August 4, 1912, in Stockholm. His father died of cancer three months before Raoul was born.
Raouls mother and his grandfather, Gustaf Wallenberg, took charge of Raouls education.
Gustaf Wallenberg had been a diplomat in Japan, China and Turkey. When Raoul was six, his mother remarried and Raouls mother remarried 1918, they had two children, Guy and Nina. Gustaf was determined that his grandson should get a broad, cultured approach to life, and that he should learn many languages. After he had graduated from high school, Raoul spent nine months in the military.
I’m wondering which Wallenberg was able to get a trainload of Auschwitz prisoners through Copenhagen to Sweden. My mother and I were the only people allowed down on the platform at Osterbro station. I’ve never forgotten the sight. In their striped clothes they were desperate to tell us of their ordeal. After a brief stop the train proceeded to Helsingor and then onto ferry to Sweden.