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The Political Economy of Rescue: The Economic Aspects of the Raoul Wallenberg Case

    How a country’s economic interests influence its political decision making, including its human rights policy, is a timely question. While the political aspects of the Raoul Wallenberg case have been discussed at length, its economic dimensions have been largely ignored. There are indications that Swedish business interests came to bear quite significantly in all major phases of the case: Raoul Wallenberg ‘s selection for the humanitarian mission to Budapest; his work in Budapest; and his arrest and imprisonment.

    Letter to the Swedish Konstitution Utskottet

      Dear Sir, You have requested that the Riksdag’s Comitte on the Constitution examines the case Raoul Wallenberg trhough your email 28th of August 2007. With reference to your letter, I hereby…-> More

      Why Raoul Wallenberg Matters

        The Ongoing Search for Universal Values

        The story of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish businessman who went to Hungary in 1944 to rescue the Jews of Budapest, bears all the hallmarks of a Greek tragedy: Young and idealistic, he fought one totalitarian regime (Nazism) only to fall victim to another (Stalinism). As such, his case seamlessly links the two defining events of the 20th Century, the Holocaust and the Cold War.

        Preliminary Research Report

          In 2002 (#), I received a grant from the Swedish Reference Group in the Raoul Wallenberg case to examine one specific issue: Who was the Swedish prisoner mentioned in the testimony of Polish prisoner of war Boguslaw Baj (1988 and 1992). As outlined in my original research proposal, identifying other Swedish prisoners in Soviet captivity in the time since 1940- present is both helpful and necessary for analyzing witness testimonies in the Raoul Wallenberg case. [# I had not applied for this grant at the time it was given, but had done so earlier, in 2001. (when it was refused). Research in Russia was postponed, by mutual agreement, due to health reasons, inaccessibility of certain files in Russia , new insights from Swedish and Russian archives which made an adjustment of the original proposal advisable and conflicting work schedules. On at least two occasions I offered to return the grant.]

          Raoul Wallenberg’s Unexplored Intelligence Connections In Hungary

            To fully untangle the complex relationships between the diverse factions of the Hungarian underground and Allied intelligence during the last months of World War II will take years of research. But new information is emerging daily and with it have come details which offer important opportunities in the ongoing investigation of the fate of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg. Wallenberg disappeared in the Soviet Union in January 1945, after having helped to protect thousands Jews of Budapest from Nazi persecution. Soviet era claims that Wallenberg had died of a heart attack in a Moscow prison in July1947 or that he was executed have never been fully substantiated.

            Det ungerska sambandet

              Ny information visar att Raoul Wallenberg hade täta förbindelser med ungerska motståndsrörelser och de allierades underrättelsetjänster, något som kan kasta nytt ljus över Sovjets intresse för honom..

              DET SKULLE TA år av forskning att på allvar reda ut de komplicerade relationerna mellan de olika falangerna inom den underjordiska ungerska motståndsrörelsen och de allierades underrättelsetjänster under andra världskrigets sista månader. Men ny kunskap dyker upp dagligen, vilket öppnar viktiga möjligheter för den pågående undersökningen av Raoul Wallenbergs öde.
              Utom västmakternas underrättelseaktiviteter är de sovjetiska operationerna och ännu viktigare den sovjetiska tolkningen av inhämtad information, av särskilt intresse för fallet Wallenberg. När ryssarna ryckte fram genom Östeuropa – rädda att västmakterna skulle vända sig mot Sovjetunionen efter att Nazi-Tyskland besegrats – sonderade och infiltrerade de olika lokala underrättelsenätverk. I synnerhet efter mars 1944, när nazisterna ockuperat Ungern, fanns en aktiv ungersk motståndsrörelse. Den bestod av nyckelgrupper kring den ungerske regenten Miklós Horthy, varav de främsta var MFM (Ungerska oavhängighetsrörelsen); den Ungerska fronten som bestod av socialdemokrater och småbrukarpartiet; olika judiska grupper, de ungerska pojkscouterna, ett välfungerande polskt underjordiskt nätverk samt kommunistiska kretsar.
              År 1944 spelade även en grupp holländska och brittiska officerare som rymt från tyska krigsfångeläger en liten men viktig roll. De holländska officerarna hade nära kontakter med den svenska beskickningen i Budapest, varifrån de erhöll ett litet månatligt arvode (som före detta krigsfångar) och, senare, pengar till räddningsinsatser.