Professor in Biology (Chicago), for the last 25 years tried to free Raoul Wallenberg and find out what happened to him. He was in the Vladimir prison where he first heard about Raoul Wallenberg. He was also an active member in the Russian-Sweden Working Group.
Professor MARVIN MAKINEN, Professor in the Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – University of Chicago, has been working for about 20 years to try to free Raoul Wallenberg and find out what happened to him. He was in the Vladimir prison where he first heard about Raoul Wallenberg. Dr. Makinen participated in the lawsuit against USSR/Guy von Dardel and participated as an expert in the Swedish-Russian Group.
Read more about Marvin Makinen’s testimony when he was in the Vladimir prison
ARI KAPLAN is an active member of the Swedish-Russian Working Group on the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg since 1998. His involvement included making several trips to Vladimir and other prisons around Moscow to analyze the prisoner record system to verify or deny eyewitness testimony. Mr. Kaplan designed and developed several database systems for Vladimir Korpus 2 study (with Marvin Makinen) and for Interrogation, Transport, and Investigation Pattern Studies (with Susan Mesinai). Kaplan plans to continue to work with Dr. Makinen and Ms. Mesinai on-site in preparing new algorithms and database queries, and setting up new databases for simulating incoming/outgoing registries of sites and to cross-reference lists of prisoners in convoy along routes where Wallenberg has been reportedly seen.
Ari Kaplan is CEO and President of the Independent Oracle Users Group, a 17,000 member professional technical association. He was the CEO and CTO for Expand Beyond Corporation before its acquisition in March 2005 by Datalink (Amex DLK). Kaplan received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from the California Institute of Technology and in 1997 was awarded the school’s prestigious “Alumni of the Decade” distinction. In 2001, he was included in Crain Communications’ “40 Under 40” profile of business leaders. Ari is a leading analyst and technologist for Major League Baseball, having worked with eleven Clubs since 1989.
- “Vill vi veta sanningen?” [Stockholm Syndrome. Expressen. Mesinai, Susan, and Susanne Berger, Marvin Makinen, Ari Kaplan.
Cell Occupancy Analysis of Korpus 2 of the Vladimir Prison (.pdf 1,7Mo)
- Page 3: Forward
- Page 4: A. Introduction and Background
- 1. The First Investigation Ever of the Kartoteka of the Vladimir Prison No. 2 of the MVD
- 2. Research Conducted for the Swedish-Russian Working Group on the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg
- a. Historical Background for a Computer Based Analysis of the Vladimir kartoteka 7
- b. Proposal for Computer Based Analysis of Prisoner Registration Cards
- Page 16: B. Construction of the Database for Analysis of Cell Occupancy in Korpus II
- 1. Stipulations of the Russian Government
- 2. Work Conditions and Procedures for Construction of the Database 17
- Page 19: C. Limitations in the Analysis of the Occupancy of Cells in Korpus 2 of the Vladimir Prison
- 1. Prisoner Population Statistics of Korpus 2
- 2. Constraints in the Assignment of Occupied Cells and Cell Numbers
- 3. Cells with the Longest Unoccupied Periods
- Page 25: D. Analysis of the Occupancy of Cells in Korpus 2
- 1. Identifying the Earliest Sources of Information about Raoul Wallenberg
- 2. Testing the Consistency of Sightings of Raoul Wallenberg in the Vladimir Prison
- 3. Examining Periods of Solitary Confinement of Other Important Prisoners
- 4. Examining a Reported Sighting of Vilmos Langfelder
- Page 53: E. Summary and Conclusions
- Page 55: F. Acknowledgments
- Page 56: Appendix I
- Page 59: Appendix II
I wonder if there have been any leads regarding RW related to Tucson AZ?