Gellert Kovacs has worked on the Raoul Wallenberg project between 2009-2012. He has receiver of funds from the Swedish foreign ministry for research around the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg and his contacts in Hungary. He researched for 6 months in Hungarian archives in 2009. In 2010 made a presentation of report to committee at foreign ministry. He works as consultant for the Royal Museum of Military History for their exhibition on Raoul Wallenberg 2010-12 and have made several seminars about Raoul Wallenberg as well as other Swedish live-savers during the war.
- The book “Skymning över Budapest”( Twilight in Budapest) which is based on the report will be out in the spring of 2012.
- Articles for the Norwegian magazine Militaerhistorie. Of these articles one was publicized in January of 2011. See several more articles have been bought by this magazine and will be published forthcoming.
- “ Rapport till UD- Raoul Wallenberg, forskning I hans fotspår i Budapest 1944-45 ” 2010. (Report for the foreign ministry-Raoul Wallenberg, a research in his footsteps in Budapest 1944-45” Only in Swedish language) This work was only for the ministry and not for the public.
- And also articles for the electronic version of the historical magazine “Pennan och Svärdet”
To whom it may concern,
I am a historian, and I would like to contact Mr. Gellért Kovács on the case of Wallenberg and his possible contacts with the resistance groups in the 14th district of Budapest.
I would really appreciate getting his email and or other contacts. My mail is:
thanks in advance
Áron Máthé
Sorry for having been late answering you. His mail is
And you can also contact Susanne Berger:
Sincerely yours
Marie Dupuy