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Gellert Kovacs

    Gellert Kovacs has worked on the Raoul Wallenberg project between 2009-2012. He has receiver of funds from the Swedish foreign ministry for research around the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg and his contacts in Hungary. He researched for 6 months in Hungarian archives in 2009. In 2010 made a presentation of report to committee at foreign ministry. He works as consultant for the Royal Museum of Military History for their exhibition on Raoul Wallenberg 2010-12 and have made several seminars about Raoul Wallenberg as well as other Swedish live-savers during the war.


    • “ Rapport till UD- Raoul Wallenberg, forskning I hans fotspår i Budapest 1944-45 ”   2010.  (Report for the foreign ministry-Raoul Wallenberg, a research in his footsteps in Budapest 1944-45” Only in Swedish language) This work was only for the ministry and not for the public.


    • And also articles for the electronic version of the historical magazine “Pennan och Svärdet”

    2 thoughts on “Gellert Kovacs”

    1. To whom it may concern,

      I am a historian, and I would like to contact Mr. Gellért Kovács on the case of Wallenberg and his possible contacts with the resistance groups in the 14th district of Budapest.
      I would really appreciate getting his email and or other contacts. My mail is:

      thanks in advance
      Áron Máthé

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