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Dr. Craig Graham McKay

    Dr. Craig Graham McKay is the author of From Information to Intrigue, Studies in Secret Service based on the Swedish Experience, 1939-1945 (Cass:London, 1993) and (with Bengt Beckman) Swedish Signal Intelligence 1900-1945 (Cass: London, 2003). He is principally interested in scrutinizing claims that Raoul Wallenberg’s mission to Budapest may have had an intelligence dimension.

    mailto: craigmckay at hotmail dot com (change the word “at” to @ and “dot” to .)







    1 thought on “Dr. Craig Graham McKay”

      (1./2014 ) SERVUS, TUDOR AND C.MCKAY: (OR, AT LAST A BITE ? ):
      What did I say ? Suddenly G. Craig McKay is back, turned up from the sunny side, he « tiptoed into », some years ago. And with the mention here of the word, » TUDOR », the German battery-company,(for submarines/vehicles, torches, wellknown in Sweden), this I mentioned in my own, downunder quoted article (2014:5/20th of March) here at the RW-site (c/o G.Kovacs).

      Is there any connections, as McKay himself, use to point, at the « academical honour », the conditions, when using if so, other researchers findings ? Or a common sense of seren-dipity ? But McKay, mustn´t refuse to make a comment here, climbing down from… the perhaps one-way directed, communication, but anyway generous RW-site climate. Or have I, tramped right into McKay´s special subject field, in the same rude Swedish manner, as a certain 3rd secretary in Budapest, 1944… McKay´s information is of course, very interesting to process, but probably we´re as long from the truth, as usual.

      (But some wrote: – » If you´re looking into the abyss, too long, the abyss might look back at you… » what most obsessed RW-researchers probably experienced.)
      Well, anyway, Read all about it ! here ! One of the telephone numbers in Raoul Wallen-berg´s diary (due to Attila Lajos, sadly, reporting from the other side of the grave….) was No. 359, to Mr Johan C:son ASKER, inspector at the Lewenhaupt´s estate Sjöholmen leading to his relative who was:….

      « – — But C.E. ASKER (b.99) was here interestingly enough, senior engineer in the : Ackumulator Fabriks AB TUDOR, a company of German origin,(AFA) what during the 1920/30s produced in a cloaking relation, batteries for the German u-boots, in Sweden, against the Versailles-peace, rather usual then in Sweden,(Junker/Landswerk) but aro-und 1936, this production was located to Germany. – – – »

      Attila Lajos even mentioned the name in the diary, « Torsten BOLTENSTEIN, » interpreted by me, as Torsten BOLTENSTERN, (nobleman) a skilled Swedish Airforce/ABA Civil pilot, with perhaps contacts with Raoul Wallenberg, and a mr Boltenstern was married a von Dardel, relative.
      Complete copy of my part of my comment here, regarding Tudor AB. (2014:5 20 March ) See the rest 2013/2014, about 50 parts.
      The Sjöholm estate was owned by the brother and sister: Adam LEWENHAUPT (b. 1861- d.26th of December 1944) and Charlotta Lewenhaupt, (b. 1855-1957) but there was even some kind of arrangement then with a lawyer, (Kindstrand) and an administrator/ inspector: =

      = Mr Johan C:son ASKER, (b.15),farm inspector, with the directory phonenumber,
      » 359″, in Wallenberg´s diary, 1944, and even many years later, lease-holder/farmer (1980), of the estate BECKERHOF, 10 km:s south Katrineholm. He has close kinship with : =

      Mr Carl Edvard C:son ASKER. (b.99) (1961/ Consul-Peru) listed as navyengineer (reser-ve) in the same list, duting the 1930s, as J. Holger GRAFFMAN, the confident of Jakob Wallenberg, in the TRANSFER AB. ( Oil trade/currency) (GRAFFMAN organised a sep-arate capitulation meeting, in beginning of October, 1943, with US./OSS Abraham HEW-ITT, Felix Kersten and Walter Schellenberg, RSHA VI/SS/SD, at his address, house(villa) Blomsterstigen no. 15,(owned even no.11+13) Danderyd, Stockholm, the same street, where Per ANGER bought a house (villa), postwar, Blomsterstigen no. 9.)

      (Some km:s there to the south, Raoul Wallenberg´s enterprising, clever mother May von Wising, 1936, procure a bigger part of land, and parceled out lots, landspeculation, (Kevinge strand) built a house, where they lived from 1938, before moving to the city. )

      (GRAFFMAN issaid to have been an OSS/asset, as probably Per ANGER, when meeting Iver OLSEN, in August 13, 1944, in Stockholm.) (If Olsen directed his cloaking economic transactions, through, the U.S, affiliations, of TEXACO OIL, GOOD YEAR, perhaps conn-ections existed with Transfer AB,(Oil) that´s unknown.) (Graffman was in the Swedish navy committée,1940, purchasing the three Italian destroyers, later during delivery were captured by the British fleet, in June 1940, what soured the Swedish/British relations for the rest of war.
      But C.E. ASKER (b.99) was here interestingly enough, senior engineer in the : Ackumu-lator Fabriks AB TUDOR, a company of German origin,(AFA) what during the 1920/30s produced in a cloaking relation, batteries for the German u-boats, in Sweden, against the Versailles-peace, rather usual then in Sweden,(Junker/Landswerk) but around 1936, this production was located to Germany. 1939, there were 160 employees, in Sweden, and soon doubled, this workforce, in order to furnish the Swedish defence, with U-boats-batteries, and storage-batteries. 1944/45 the relations with Germany ceased, and 1945, the company, got administrated, by the Swedish bureau for liquidation of German economic assets, (=Flyktkapitalbyrån), by political pressure from the Allies, and ASKER probably quit his employment, by that. (The Asker boys, managed to marry, a string of female classic nobilities, from the families : Palmstierna, Bildt, Lilliehöök.) – – -/ End.

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