Made his doctor’s dissertation at Växjö University (Sweden) about Raoul Wallenberg activities during his period in Budapest. Is now associate professor in history at the faculty for culture and society, Global Political Studies in Malmö University, Sweden.
- “Raoul Wallenberg 1912-2012 and past and present anti – Semitism” held on 3-4 December 2012 in Oslo.
- “Raoul Wallenberg i muntliga källor” in the book Berggren L., Greif, M., Johansson, J., Thor, M., Samhällshistoria i fokus, Malmö 2010.
- Raoul Wallenberg. Mítosz és valóság (Raoul Wallenberg. Myth and reality), Budapest 2007
- Hjälten och offren. Raoul Wallenberg och judarna i Budapest (The hero and the victims. Raoul Wallenberg and Jews in Budapest), Växjö, 2004