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Marvin Makinen and Ari Kaplan report 2000

      In the following report prepared on the basis of our analysis of prisoner registration cards in the kartoteka of the Vladimir Prison No. 2, we have generally used the full name and year of birth at the first mention of any prisoner for full identification according to general Russian custom to facilitate follow-up investigations by others who may wish to carry this analysis further. Subsequent mention of the prisoner in the text is thereafter restricted generally to use only of the family name.
      Because of the Russian and general European custom of naming dates in the form dd/mm/yy, we have kept that format essentially throughout the text to reduce possible errors in preparing the report from computer print-outs of tables and lists. When dates are occasionally indicated in the American style of mm/dd/yy because of the use of the (American) English version of WINDOWS, particularly in figures and diagrams, notice of the change is brought to the reader’s attention in the figure legend.

      The preparation of this final report, the construction of the database, and completion of the analysis of data requiring lengthy trips to Moscow and occasionally Vladimir were possible only because of the support that we have received at home from our families.

      The Report downloaded in .pdf:


    • Development of Forensic Database Method’s in Search of “the Disappeared”
    • 07.08.2000; “Vill vi veta sanningen?” [Stockholm Syndrome. Expressen. Mesinai, Susan, and Susanne Berger, Marvin Makinen, Ari Kaplan.

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