Levine, Paul
Assistant professor of history in the program for Holocaust and genocide studies at Sweden’s Uppsala University and is writing a book about Raoul Wallenberg.
Assistant professor of history in the program for Holocaust and genocide studies at Sweden’s Uppsala University and is writing a book about Raoul Wallenberg.
Le Parlement européen a adopté jeudi à l’unanimité une résolution demandant à l’Union soviétique de rouvrir le «dossier Raoul Wallenberg» et de mettre toutes ses archives à la disposition d’une commission internationale d’historiens et d’experts. Cette demande s’est faite par adoption à l’unanimité d’une résolution introduite au nom des chrétiens-démocrates, des libéraux et des socialistes. Cette résolution avait été déposée à l’insistance de Simone Lucki, présidente du «comité Wallenberg-Belgique».
Susan Winter Memory in Budapest (english)
Susan Winter Memory in Budapest (hungarian)
I will attempt to write down what happened to me and my family between 1944-1945. I am not sure I will succeed because I don’t know what are my own memories and what I recall because of what others told me.
On March 19, 1944 the Germans entered Hungary, rather Budapest, where I lived with my parents and grandparents. The same morning my father went to Eastern Train Terminal (Keleti P‡lyaudvar) to buy tickets for my mother and I to go to Di—szeg, which is today part of Romania, but at the time belonged to Hungary. He thought that it may be easier to survive in a small place than in a large city.
Born 1923, Budapest, Hungary
After the Germans occupied Hungary in 1944, Tom was ordered to work in labor camps and factories. He escaped after a few months and decided to contact the Swedish legation, where he met Raoul Wallenberg in October 1944. Tom stayed in Budapest and, using his training in photography, became active in Wallenberg’s efforts to rescue the Jews of Budapest. He made copies of and took photographs for protective passes (Schutzpaesse), and documented deportations.
“We were lined up in front of a machine gun near a wall and we were standing there for a long time… then some people appeared and I was told later that it was Raoul Wallenberg and his team.”Marianne Vaney:…
Nanna Swarz was convinced that Raoul Wallenberg was still alive in 1970 and was very bitter over how the Swedish Government handled the Raoul Wallenberg case. She had met several witnesses who had seen Raoul Wallenberg. She says Raoul Walenberg was in a mental hospital in Moscow in 1961 and in later years in other places in URSS.
ÁVH actions were not subject to judicial review. On 1953-04-07, early in the morning, Miksa Domonkos, one of the leaders of the Jewish community in Budapest was kidnapped by ÁVH officials to extract “confessions”.[1] Preparations for a show trial started in Budapest in 1953 to prove that Raoul Wallenberg had not been dragged off in 1945 to the Soviet Union but was the victim of cosmopolitan Zionists.
“Je suis né à Budapest en 1924. J’ai donc 20 ans lors des événements… J’ai terminé mes études secondaires et m’apprête à entreprendre mes études en médecine. Mais, étant juif, je ne peux aller à l’université. Les Allemands occupent le pays à partir de mars 1944. Budapest compte une très grande communauté juive. Nous sommes tous déplacés vers des maisons portant la grande étoile jaune. Et je suis mobilisé pour les camps de travail. Nous devons porter l’étoile jaune, respecter le couvre-feu, ne pas circuler dans certains parcs et magasins, etc. Moi je travaille au quartier général de Eichmann ! ! !
I and many members of my family owe our lives to your uncle. My parents, grandmother, aunt and cousin were amongst those collected from Ulloi utca on the night of 7 January 1945 and brought back from a house near the Danube through the help of his office. My uncle, Laszló Kelemen (he is mentioned in a letter, dated 8 December 1944, from Raoul Wallenberg to Kalman Lauer) was working in the office and was not among those taken.
My brother Gustav was one of the messengers of Raoul Wallenberg Resque operation. His name is listed on the first page of the employes of the team of Raoul Wallenberg. In 1944 my brother was 15 years of age.